Conventional Loans

Just like your home, these loans are built for the long haul.

We'll help you dig into the details and make the right choice.

What do you value in a home? Beyond style, you're looking for solid and sturdy. Same goes for a mortgage. At ALLIANCE, we're ready to help you choose a fixed- or adjustable-rate loan that fits both your right-now finances and your down-the-road future.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages

Perfect for people in Lubbock, TX and surrounding counties who don't like surprises, these mortgages feature a constant interest rate and monthly payments that never change.

  • Choose between terms of 10, 15, 20 or 30 years.
  • Shorter loans generally have lower interest rates, but higher monthly payments. They also allow you to pay off your loan twice as fast.
  • Longer loans generally come with higher interest rates but lower monthly payments.
  • Fixed-rate loans are often a good choice if you plan to stay in your home for seven or more years. If you plan to move again before that, you may want to look into adjustable-rate options.
  • Refinancing options are available.
  • Work with an experienced credit union loan professional who can help figure out which type of loan will work to your advantage.
  • Mortgage interest payments are often tax-deductible. Consult your financial advisor.

Adjustable-Rate Mortgages

With lower initial rates and reduced monthly payments for several years, an ARM can give you more financial flexibility and put homeownership within reach.

  • ALLIANCE offers three types of adjustable-rate-mortgages (ARMS) - 3/1, 5/1 or 7/1.
  • The first number is the number of years that you benefit from a lower rate.
  • After the introductory period ends, rates may be adjusted annually over the remaining years of these 30-year loans. Your rate could go up or down, depending on economic conditions.
  • Rate caps limit how much your rates can increase in any one year or over the life of the loan.
  • ARMs can be good choices for people who expect to move (or refinance) before or shortly after the rate adjustment occurs.
Down Payment Assistance
Get into a new home with as little as $0 down at closing.

We're here to help

More information about Mortgage Affordability Calculator

Run the numbers to find out how much of a mortgage you can afford based on your income and budget.

More information about Mortgage Application Checklist

Here's a comprehensive list of everything you'll need to apply for a loan to help prepare you for the lending process.

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Explore our glossary of common real estate terms with definitions you can actually understand.